Advanced management model
We generate advanced knowledge by introducing innovative methodologies and processes, working to a model of advanced management by objectives and promoting continuous improvement. We therefore look for solutions that generate value in the agri-food and environmental productive and institutional fabric while sustainably managing resources and infrastructures.

- ISO 9001 Certification for the management of R&D projects and technology transfer since 2005 – ER-1201-2005. [UNE 9001 – IQNet]
- Accreditation no. 615/LE 1321 from ENAC for the carrying out of physical and chemical, microbiological, immunological and molecular tests on agri-food products at the Derio centre. [ENAC] [Accredited Tests]
- NEIKER has an R&D&I management system in compliance with Standard UNE 166002:2021 for research, development and innovation activities in the field of agri-food (agricultural, livestock and forestry sectors) and in the natural environment. Number: IDI-0009/2019. [R&D&I]