
Ticks and transmitted diseases in the Pyrenean environment: update of knowledge, harmonisation of their study and prevention proposals.

  • Start of project: 01/03/2024
  • End of project: 28/02/2027
  • Principal Investigator: Aitor Cevidanes
  • Funder: Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027 programme
  • Reference: EFA100/01
  • Budget: 125.768,70 € (65% financed)
  • Partners: University of Zaragoza, INRAe and LPL

General objective:

To create a harmonised research network to understand and predict the distribution, ecology and potential transmission of zoonotic diseases in ticks in order to propose prevention and awareness measures aimed at the administration, inhabitants and tourists in the POCTEFA environment.

Specific objectives:

To create a coordinated research network that will allow, in a harmonised manner.

  1. To obtain empirical data on the present and potential distribution, periods of activity, hosts and pathogens in ticks in the Pyrenean area.
  2. To propose prevention measures to the administration.
  3. To carry out awareness-raising measures aimed at the inhabitants and tourists in the POCTEFA area.