Managing costs, innovating to adapt to the market and environmental impacts, challenges facing dairy cow operations NEIKER and the Galician…
Arkaute Centre
Arkaute Agri-food Campus, Arkaute, Alava.
(+34) 945 121313
Managing costs, innovating to adapt to the market and environmental impacts, challenges facing dairy cow operations NEIKER and the Galician…
Microsoft AI for Earth gives grant to two Basque Country projects, one led by NEIKER, to improve the environment Both…
NEIKER’s line of research on vaccines based on tuberculosis group bacteria wins the II International Zendal Award The jury of…
Joan den irailaren 28az geroztik, urriaren 2ra arte, FAOko Nekazaritza Batzordeak eskatuko dio FAOri bere lana sustatu dezan, larre, artzaintza…