

Our Iturrieta office, chosen by NASA for broadcasting the total eclipse of the moon next Monday

13 May 2022

Our Iturrieta office, chosen by NASA for broadcasting the total eclipse of the moon next Monday

  • This live broadcast falls within our collaboration agreement with the Alava Astronomical Society, which among other aspects considers the concession of our high-altitude mountain installations for astronomical study.

On 16 May 2022 it will be possible to see a total eclipse of the moon that will be partially visible from a large part of the world, including Alava. An extraordinary event that the North American Aerospace Agency has decided to capture in full and broadcast live within the framework of its NASA Science Live programme.

To do so, NASA has coordinated with diverse astrophysics organisations all over the world, which will track this phenomenon and transmit their images with the best visibility at all times.

These sites include the Iturrieta Astronomical Observatory J44, managed by the Alava Astronomical Society (SAA/AAE).


From 3:30 am CET to 5:00 am CET

About the Alava Astronomical Society

Founded in 1986, it is a not-for-profit cultural entity made up of people interested in astronomy, its study and dissemination.