More resilient forests to climate change by combining forestry production and grazing NEIKER technology center will demonstrate the increase of…
Arkaute Centre
Arkaute Agri-food Campus, Arkaute, Alava.
(+34) 945 121313
More resilient forests to climate change by combining forestry production and grazing NEIKER technology center will demonstrate the increase of…
At NEIKER we have been implementing this grazing method in our dairy sheep flock in Arkaute (Álava) for…
We appear again in Stanford’s ranking of the best researchers in the world Carlos Garbisu, specialist in environmental microbiology, and…
NEIKER continues to promote organic farming and shows its progress in the traditional field visit in Arkaute In the second…
We participate in STEAM Sare’s Career Guidance Meetings for Young People NEIKER is part of STEAM Sare, the network of…
A thesis carried out at NEIKER on climate change mitigation in laying poultry farms, Research Award 2022 of the Institute…
Best practices to ensure the welfare of egg-laying hens The European project ‘Best Practice Hens’ supports egg producers in the…
New type of vaccine to combat paratuberculosis in ruminants The NEIKER technology centre has developed a vaccine, the first in…
Innovation in nutrition, reproduction and genetics, key measures to reduce methane emissions by ruminants Methane emissions by cows and sheep…
Why is it important to track the expansion of invasive mosquito species? They transmit diseases that represent more than 17%…