- Date: 2019 – 2025
- Funding: Life Programme of the European Union
- Budget: 19.8 million euros of direct investment (10.2 million euros from the EU).
- Link: UrbanKlima 2050
- Partners: Ihobe y Gobierno Vasco (líder del proyecto), Diputaciones Forales (Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa), Ayuntamientos (Bakio, Bermeo, Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián, Gernika-Lumo, Vitoria-Gasteiz y Zarautz), Agencias Regionales (EVE -Ente Vasco de la Energía y URA-Agencia Vasca del Agua), centros tecnológicos ( Azti, BC3, NEIKER, Tecnalia y Tecnun) y la fundación Naturklima.
Description: The LIFE Integrated Urban Klima project is considered to be the largest climate action project in the Basque Country for the coming years and aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions data by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. As well as proposing actions covering both adaptation and mitigation, in order to radically improve the Basque Country’s resilience to climate change. Urban Klima 2050 will transform the Basque territory by coordinating a total of 40 climate change adaptation projects and actions over the six years of its duration. It will also facilitate the effective deployment of the Basque Country Climate Change Strategy.
Project novelties: To promote through the measures to be carried out the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment and the halting and reversing of biodiversity loss, including the support of the Natura 2000 Network and addressing the degradation of ecosystems. Help define new policies, develop new CC governance models that integrate objectives to address CC impacts.
Involvement of different social sectors as well as different levels of administration (local authorities, associations, economic sectors). The involvement of civil society and local actors in this process will contribute to support better environmental and climate governance at all levels.
Specific objectives:
- Integrate the climate change strategy into territorial planning and sectoral policies (health, water and energy).
- Implement actions in three pilot areas (coastal, river basins and urban areas).
- Implement the 24 lines of intervention of the Klima 2050 Strategy.
- Improve governance in the field of climate change.
- Transfer the practical cases developed in the project to other areas of the Territory.