Towards improving the sustainability of dairy sheep through mitigation and adaptation strategies

  • Project start: 01/09/2023
  • End of project: 08/31/2027
  • Main researcher: Eva Ugarte
  • Department: Animal production
  • Funder: Ministry of Science and Innovation
  • Budget: €521,659.05 (15.57% financed)

General objective: Study how to implement sustainability strategies by mitigating the emission of greenhouse gases and increasing the capacity to deal with the impact of climate change as an adaptation measure of improvement programs, with the final objective of increasing the resilience of the dairy sheep sector.

Specific objectives:

1. Evaluate the implementation of thermotolerance as a new selection objective in the dairy sheep sector.

2. Evaluate the implementation of methane emissions as a new selection objective in dairy sheep.

3. Develop new selection strategies to improve the resilience of the dairy sheep sector that ensures the global sustainability of the sector in the medium and long term.