Development of pathogenesis and immunisation models for paratuberculosis
- Financing: MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) AGL2012-39818-C02-02
- Head researcher: Natalia Elguezabal
- Implementation: 2013-2015
The overall objective of this project is to generate knowledge on the pathogenesis and immunisation mechanisms of paratuberculosis which can serve as a support for disease control programmes.
The specific objectives are:
1. To study the interaction of mycobacteria that may be present in the rumen of sheep and in the appendix, caecum and sacculus of rabbits with the pathogenesis mechanisms in paratuberculosis.
2. To develop an experimental paratuberculosis infection model for rabbits and evaluate the effect of vaccination on the generated model.
3. To develop an ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) to differentiate vaccinated and infected animals.