Conservation and management of mountain pastures in the Basque Country, taking as a starting point the maintenance of the traditional use of pastures, which will make it possible to recover, in the Basque context, a favourable state of conservation for 12 types of habitat in Annex I and 2 species in Annex II of the Natura 2000 Network.

- Date: 2016 – 2021
- Project Director: Mikel de Francisco (HAZI). NEIKER Subproject: Isabel Albizu
- Funding: LIFE Programme (LIFE15 NAT/ES/000805)
- Budget: EUR 3 743 704
- Link: Life Oreka Mendian
- Department: Conservation of natural resources
- Partners: Hazi, Diputación Foral de Álava, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, ihobe, Euromontana. Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara, Conservatoire dÉspaces Naturels dÁquitaine
Develop a conservation strategy in the mountain pasture environment, taking as a starting point the maintenance of traditional use.
Conservation and management of mountain pastures in the Basque Country, taking as a starting point the maintenance of the traditional use of pastures, which will make it possible to recover, in the Basque context, a favourable state of conservation for 12 types of habitat in Annex I and 2 species in Annex II of the Natura 2000 Network.
Specific objectives include:
- Establish habitat/species management criteria, shared by all the agents involved, favouring coordination and efficiency.
- Ensure compliance with the conservation objectives defined in each SAC by planning livestock management.
- Achieve a balance between the forage supply of pastures and the demand for livestock use, involving owners and users in conservation, through integrated and sustainable management.
- Recovery of surface area, structure and functionality in pasture habitats where altered areas are detected, due to scrubbing, overgrazing or impacts of a specific type.
- Achieve a balance between livestock and forestry use, limiting grazing to areas where the risks of forest regeneration or soil erosion are minimised.
- Recovery of vulnerable azonal habitats and endangered flora species, immersed in grazing areas.
- Elimination of invasive flora in target habitats.
- To test innovative tools that facilitate the management of grazing habitats and provide valuable data for the monitoring and assessment of the EC of these habitats.
- Establish Good Practices that facilitate decision making by managers when authorising uses and actions.
- Transmit to society the socio-economic and environmental interest of the conservation of mountain pastures, revaluing the role of the farmer in their maintenance.
- Ensure the financial complementarity of this project with other European aid (FEADER).
- To exchange experiences between European regions with different Natura 2000 management models.