Emerging and re-emerging diseases of the Basque Country

  • Project start: 01/01/2025
  • End of project: 12/31/2027
  • Principal researcher: Joseba Garrido
  • Funder: Basque Government
  • Program: Strategic project
  • Call: 2025
  • Reference: 25-00004
  • Acronym: EMERE 25-27
  • Total budget: €431,113
  • Percentage financed: 100%

General objective:

In livestock there is a group of diseases called emerging or re-emerging that are of great importance from an economic and health point of view. Some of these diseases are included in official control and/or eradication programs. However, within current globalization, we are forced to be alert about new diseases that can affect our livestock. One of our priorities in this regard is the development of laboratory techniques to confirm cases and the search for solutions to these diseases through the enhancement of the animals’ immune system through vaccines or other types of immunostimulants.

Specific objectives:

  • Monitoring of farms and advice for the control of paratuberculosis
  • Diagnosis and molecular epidemiology of suspected cases of tuberculosis, monitoring of outbreaks
  • Study of reproductive pathology in sheep and cattle in the Basque Country
  • Development of techniques against new diseases or improvement of existing ones
  • New disease control tools by stimulating the immune system