

Lanaland, new uses for Latxa sheep’s wool

31 May 2021

Lanaland, new uses for Latxa sheep’s wool

For years, latxa sheep’s wool has not been brought to market and has had to be treated as waste, with the entailed expense of both money and time invested by flock owners had to manage it.

To resolve this issue, NEIKER worked with Latxa Esnea Koop, Ekolber, Urkome, the Chamber of Agriculture of the Atlantic Pyrenees, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bayonne, and the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) to launch the Lanaland project, a circular economy initiative aimed at leveraging new uses to enhance the value of the more than 2,000 metric tones of this material produced every year in the Basque Country and Navarre.

The applications being developed include the use of wool as a substitute for plastic in beacon manufacturing or as thread in 3D printers, as a polyester alternative for the textile industry, or as a nutrient in biofertilisers. All of these products are biodegradable and environmentally sustainable.

More information: Lanaland


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