SECUESVAC was created with the aim of responding to the growing need to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere and to obtain scientific reference data for the beef sector on net carbon emissions considering the sequestration in the floors

  • Project start: 05/01/2024
  • End of the project: 04/30/2027
  • Principal researcher: Óscar del Hierro
  • Financing: A project financed 100% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, within the National Strategic Plan of the CAP (PEPAC) 2023-2027. Co-financed 80% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EAFRD and 20% by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Total amount of aid 548,889.40 euros. PROVACUNO is the representative entity of this project. The General Directorate of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training (DGDRIFA) is the managing authority in charge of implementing the corresponding EAFRD aid. The body responsible for the content of the website is the beneficiary partners of the operational group.
  • Program: Supra-autonomous PP
  • Call: National Strategic Plan for the CAP (PEPAC) 2023-2027
  • Reference: 23-00088
  • Acronym: SECUESVAC
  • Total budget: €110,565.00 (that of NEIKER)
  • Percentage financed: 100%
  • Partners: The SECUESVAC operational group is made up of a group of cooperatives and associations with great recognition in the beef cattle sector. Its mission is to collaborate in the collection of data, to communicate at all times to farmers and professionals in the sector, as well as to obtain samples of the soils associated with this production.
  • Web:

General objective:

The main objective of SECUESVAC is to optimize carbon sequestration in soils associated with beef cattle farms, analyzing the current situation, identifying good practices and developing a decision support tool.

Specific objectives:

  • Determine the carbon sequestration capacity of soils, pastures and crops associated with beef cattle in Spain, using as a model a set of farms representative of different production models in Spain.
  • Identifying the most appropriate management practices to maximize carbon sequestration in pastures and crop plots is essential to promote agricultural sustainability.
  • Development of a decision support tool for farmers that allows them to calculate both the carbon footprint and the carbon sequestration potential of their beef cattle farms.