Biological fluxes in soil and their role in drought resistance (BIOFLOWS)

  • Project start: 01/09/2024
  • Project end: 31/08/2027
  • Principal Investigator: Lionel Dupuy
  • Funder: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
  • Call: Knowledge Generation
  • Reference: PID2023-149435OR-I00
  • Acronym: BIOFLOW
  • Total budget: 200.000 €.
  • Percentage funded: 100%.

General objetive:

The overall objective of this project is to better understand how biological activity in the rhizosphere affects the lifetime of bioavailable soil water in the rhizosphere.

Specific objetives:

  • Quantify how microbial mobility affects water transport in the pore space.
  • To elucidate the contribution of group behaviour on the physical properties of the soil solution.
  • To characterise how microbial colonisation of the root may affect water availability.
  • Develop new theories that account for bacterial motility in water transport equations.

Project PID2023-149435OR-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033