

We promote the foundation of the CIBA Network, a scientific network for animal welfare research

3 June 2021

We promote the foundation of the CIBA Network, a scientific network for animal welfare research

Animal welfare is of increasing concern to society. Proof of this can be found in how research in this field has grown in Spain in the last few years. As a result, we joined forces with the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research, the University of Lleida, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona to promote the foundation of the CIBA Network, a Scientific Network for Animal Welfare Research, which currently boasts participation from researchers from over 20 science centres in Spain.

The CIBA Network was established to create, maintain and strengthen the body of research on animal welfare in Spain, and its objectives are to identify the researchers in this field, bolster active communication between them, incentivise collaboration, share any progress made, facilitate communication with external players and conduct activities that promote the creation of closer bonds.

The CIBA Network was officially established on 2 June within the framework of the 19th AIDA Animal Protection Workshop, held by the Interprofessional Association for Agricultural Development. Before that, a scientific exchange workshop was held to identify the priority areas for research on animal welfare and discuss potential needs and limitations so that research can be done at the national level.

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