The role played by NEIKER in achieving a more developed and united society is based on Social Responsibility extending beyond the agri-food sector to other social environments. We are committed to scientific knowledge, to sustainability and efficiency, but we also carry out initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of all people inside our borders and out. These are some of the most noteworthy:
Basque is, like knowledge, one of our society’s most important elements of social cohesion. That’s why we came to an agreement with the Elhuyar Foundation in 2016 to promote the Basque language in the field of research in the primary sector and in our own field of activity.
This commitment to disseminating science in the Basque language has translated into active participation in the CAF-Elhuyar awards going to the best research works in the Basque language, and in the Zientzia Azoka, serving to reward the work of young scientists.

Since 2010 we have been promoting an ambitious initiative destined to improve conditions of hygiene, food and environmental education in two Ugandan regions. The Saluganda project has enabled more than 2,500 students to train in sustainable agriculture and livestock techniques, composting and personal hygiene in one of the six agro-sustainable schools we have already set in motion. This project has enabled the installation of dry latrines, rainfall collection tanks, pig and poultry nurseries and organic vegetable gardens, all in keeping with our philosophy of transferring knowledge, sustainable production and a circular economy.

We send surplus crops obtained from the experimental potato production initiative at our Arkaute estate to the Basque Food Bank. Thanks to the agreement signed in 2015, in only three years almost 4,000 people have received around 60,000 kilos of different varieties of potatoes, thereby fulfilling a double objective: on the one hand, helping to relieve the lack of food suffered by Basque families in need and, on the other, to guarantee that an enormous quantity of food doesn’t go to waste.

We participate in the Inspira STEAM project promoted by the University of Deusto to foster scientific vocation among girls. Its objective is to help young girls to overcome the stereotypes surrounding scientific work and to encourage them to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics with the support of several female researchers from NEIKER.