Deepening into the transmission mechanisms of avian influenza and the interaction between domestic and wild birds
- Project start: 09/01/2024
- End of the project: 08/31/2027
- Principal researcher: Marta Barral
- Program: RTA modality projects
- Call: 2023
- Reference: PID2023-149441OR-C31
- Total budget: €352,512
- Financed budget: €262,500
- Percentage financed: 59.6%
- Partners: IRTA-CReSA, SaBio-IREC
General objective:
To delve deeper into the transmission mechanisms of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in different environments of interest such as farms, recovery centres and places with a high concentration of wild birds, as well as to improve the available knowledge on the interactions between wild and domestic birds in open-regime farms.
Specific objectives:
- Describe the new host spectrum of the H5N1 virus.
- Detection of AIV in air and water samples from different environments (hot spots) of concentration of wild birds.
- Serology (prospective and retrospective) in wild birds.
- Study of pathogen transmission at the domestic-wild bird interface.
- Assessment of the risk of transmission of avian influenza using recovery centres as a model to understand the dynamics of virus transmission.