Technology cooperation for alternative uses of wool: substitution of plastics and other pollutants

- Project Manager at NEIKER: Miriam Pinto
- Funding: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- Partners: NEIKER, Latxa Esnea Koop, Ekolber, Urkome, Cámara de Agricultura de los Pirineos Atlánticos, Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Bayona y Universidad de Pau y del Pays de l’Adour (UPPA).
- Web:
The main objective of the LANALAND project is to increase the added value of sheep wool from indigenous dairy breeds, as it is currently residual and has become a problematic management for local farmers.
The project aims to develop innovative solutions for the valorisation of this product and to offer new growth opportunities to local companies from a circular economy perspective.