Trans-Pyrenean network for research and development of innovative tools for the control of animal tuberculosis

  • Start of project: 01/01/2024
  • End of project: 31/12/2026
  • Principal Investigator: Iker Agirregomoskorta
  • Funder: Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027 programme
  • Reference: EFA115/01
  • Budget: 466.269,77 € (65% financed)
  • Partners: IRTA-CRESA, UAB, ANSES and ENVT (if we just put acronyms, all the better)
  • Web:

General objective:

To consolidate and extend the cross-border multidisciplinary R+D+i network INNOTUB with the aim of joining efforts by creating synergies between important actors in the trans-Pyrenean region competent in the problem in order to generate greater knowledge and develop innovative tools that provide solutions.

Specific objectives:

  1. Validation of 3 diagnostic tests (3 qPCRs) for the detection and identification of tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria.
  2. To develop a novel diagnostic test (digital PCR) to quantify the M. tuberculosis complex bacteria present in animal and environmental samples.
  3. Develop and evaluate new tuberculosis vaccines and delivery modes.