Animal research

Mara Elisa Daltabuit Test – 2005
Development and application of serological and molecular diagnosis techniques to study the calostral and horizontal transmission of the Maedi-Visna virus...
Vega Alvarez Maiztegui – 2005
Epidemiological, experimental study on the transmission and control of the Maedi-Visna virus in dairy sheep of the Latxa breed in...
Diseño sin título (8)
David García Crespo – 2005
Development of molecular methods and their application to the study of the genetic resistance and molecular pathogenesis of scrapie Doctoral...
Diseño sin título (5)
Raquel Atxaerandio Galdós – 2001
Epidemiology and diagnosis of leptospirosis and neosporosis on dairy cattle farms in the Basque Country Doctoral student: Raquel Atxaerandio Galdós...
Horacio Gil Gil – 2002
Endemic areas of Lyme disease in the Basque country: Study on the role of small mammals in the maintenance of...
Joseba Garrido Urkullu – 2001
Fine tuning of PCR techniques on faeces and ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) for the diagnosis of paratuberculosis: study on the...
Ana Belén Extramiana Alonso – 2000
Development and evaluation of new techniques for diagnosing Maedi-Visna Doctoral student: Ana Belén Extramiana Alonso Title: Development and evaluation of...