Micro-wetlands network in the face of the climate crisis

  • Project start: 01/01/2023
  • End of project: 21/12/2024
  • Principal Investigator: Aitor Cevidanes
  • Funder: Kutxa Fundazioa
  • Budget: 96.294,21€ (49,94% financed)
  • Partners: Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea,Naturklima y ZiBA
  • Web: www.aranzadi.eus/mikroklima

General objective:

To create a network of small wetlands, already existing or to be built, in different environments, involving various social agents and land stewardship, which function as monitoring stations for sentinel species and habitats in the face of climate change and/or micro-reserves of fauna and flora.

Specific objectives:

  • Creation, identification and use of a network of monitoring stations for organisms linked to aquatic environments.
  • Field and experimental study on the effect of the presence of native biodiversity on the presence of anthropophilic and/or invasive mosquitoes.
  • Use of the “network of school micro-wetlands” as an educational and citizen science tool.