Appearances matter: the role of imprinting in the development of social plasticity in laying hens

  • Project start: 06/01/2023
  • End of project: 05/31/2026
  • Main researcher: Inma Estévez
  • Department: Animal production
  • Funder: Ministry of Science and Innovation
  • Budget: €342,908.40 (43.03% financed)

General objective:

This project explores the interplay of social mismatch and imprinting mechanisms that occur during the first few days of life in chicks, and their long-term impact on social interactions, especially with regard to pecking behavior. Knowledge of the main mechanisms that trigger this behavior will allow the implementation of strategies for its control, and the control of mortality due to this cause. The results of the Project will make it possible to acquire new knowledge and test innovative hypotheses about the main causal factors of pecking in laying hens, and these will support new management strategies for its control.