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We anticipate reducing the risk of fires, diversifying profits from forested areas and improving ecosystem services from forests


Expected results

LIFE SILFORE foresees among the results a reduction in the volume of fuel biomass by 40-60% and, therefore, a lower risk of fires, as well as a reduction in the carbon footprint of livestock farms. Likewise, the project will contribute to increasing the diversity of tree species with different tolerances to droughts, which will help maintain the forest mass and reduce the spread of diseases that affect trees.

In addition to demonstrating the increased resistance of forests to the effects of climate change, the project will diversify the profits of wooded areas from the use of wood and animal production. Grazing can bring benefits to forest production with the fertilization of the soil by the animals, and the greater area dedicated to grazing can increase the degree of forage autonomy and the diversity of the diet of the animals, which supposes a saving considerable by reducing food costs.

The LIFE SILFORE project will also have a positive impact for society as a whole, since forests occupy approximately 30% of the land and act as repositories of biodiversity. They provide a wide range of key ecosystem services, such as regularization of water flow or protection against soil erosion, among others.

Therefore, the initiative will improve the economic, social and environmental profitability of forests while increasing the earnings of the inhabitants of the rural environment by creating employment, fighting against the depopulation of rural areas, reducing the risk of fires and lowering maintenance costs.