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Visit of the Forestry Engineering students to the plot in Moaña (Galicia)

At the end of September, 4th year students of the Forestry Engineering Degree of the University of Vigo, Pontevedra campus, went to one of the demonstration plots of the LIFE-Silfore project to see first-hand the work being carried out.

Specifically, they visited the plot located in Monte Xaxán (Moaña, Pontevedra), which is owned by the Comunidad de Montes Vecinales en Mano Común (CMVMC) of Santa Eulalia de Meira. This community has closed plots of land for the breeding of the autochthonous Galician goat breed.

During the visit, the objectives of the LIFE-Silfore project and the management implications of having goats in the bush were discussed.

In addition to students from the University of Vigo, representatives of the property (CMVMC of Santa Eulalia de Meira), private companies and AGACAL participated.