Maitane Tello Lancho

Sanidad Animal

Biología Molecular de los Microorganismos, Microbiología, Resistencia Antimicrobianos, Seguridad Alimentaria, Zoonosis




Sanidad Animal Estudiante de doctorado Microbiología | Biología Molecular de los Microorganismos |Zoonosis y Seguridad Alimentaria |Resitencia Antimicrobianos


Maitane Tello studied Biology in the University of the Basque Country from 2009 to 2014. Later, she completed a Master's Degree in Microbiology and Health at the University of the Basque Country in 2015. In 2018, she started her doctoral studies under the direction of Dr. Ana Hurtado at the Animal Health department of NEIKER. Her PhD is focused on preventing the spread of antimicrobial resistant bacteria within the “One Health” approach. To this end, Maitane is working on prevalence studies, monitoring and molecular characterization of extended spectrum β-lactamase and carbapenemase producing E.coli in cattle and sheep in the Basque Country.