Centro Arkaute
N-104, km. 355 – 01192 Arkaute (Álava).
(+34) 945 121313
Lur Epelde Sierra
Conservación de Recursos Naturales
Ecología Microbiana de Suelos, Salud del Suelo
Conservación de Recursos Naturales Investigador/a Ecología Microbiana de Suelos; Salud del suelo
Dr. Lur Epelde is a researcher at the Department of Conservation of Natural Resources, NEIKER-Tecnalia and a member of its Soil Microbial Ecology Group.|During her PhD (University of the Basque Country, 2009), she worked on metal phytoextraction using hyperaccumulating plants and high biomass crop plants, as well as on metal phytostabilization using tolerant plants. She acquired ample experience on the utilization of microbial indicators of soil health and quality (enzyme activities, basal and substrate-induced respiration, community-level physiological profiles, real-time PCR, DNA microarrays, PCR-DGGE, stability essays, etc.) to assess the efficiency of phytoremediation processes.|Nowadays, she continues using soil microbial properties, including high throughput sequencing technologies, for monitoring studies of different sources of environmental stress (e.g., contamination, agricultural practices, climate change). She is also interested on the dissemination of antibiotic resistance in agricultural fields fertilized with organic amendments of animal or human origin. Finally, she takes part in the dissemination of the importance of soil health using Health Cards as a tool.