Centro Arkaute
N-104, km. 355 – 01192 Arkaute (Álava).
(+34) 945 121313
Laboratorio de Recursos Naturales
Cromatología de Gases, Gestión de Laboratorio de CRN, Puesta a Punto de Analíticas Ambientales
Laboratorio Recursos Naturales Responsable de área Gestión Laboratorio de CRN; Puesta a punto de analíticas ambientales; cromatografía de gases
Degree in biochemistry at the University of the Basque Country. Head of the Conservation and Natural Resources Laboratory Extensive experience in the commissioning, development and validation of chromatographic techniques and equipment (HPLC-DAD / FLC, UPLC-MS-MS, GC-FID / ECD). Extensive knowledge in the development of various techniques (gravimetric, spectrophotometric, microbiological, solid phase extraction, chemiluminescence screening applications) in different matrices (honeys, propolis, pollen, jelly, feed, ethylene granules ...) Experience in waste management through anaerobic digestion and biogas production. Knowledge in the field of greenhouse gas emissions.