Fernando Jesús Blanco Mediavilla

Conservación de Recursos Naturales

Analítica de Suelos, Ensayos Biológicos de suelos, Enzimología




Conservación de Recursos Naturales Especialista de laboratorio Analítica de suelos | Ensayos biológicos de suelos | Enzimología


Fernando Blanco has long experience in the development and adaptation of analytical methods and biological tests of soils. He is PhD and the subject of his doctoral thesis was the metabolism of N in cyanobacteria (physiology and enzymology). He was a professor of Biology at the UPV / EHU. Later he worked for several years as a technician in the Environment Department of GAIKER. It was for a year logistics of Doctors without Borders in Petén (Guatemala). Since 1999 he works in the department of Conservation of Natural Resources of Neiker.