Maitane Mugica Unamuno

Sanidad Animal

Biología Molecular de los Microorganismos, Microbiología, Resistencia Antimicrobianos, Seguridad Alimentaria, Zoonosis




Sanidad Animal Estudiante en formación Microbiología | Biología Molecular de los Microorganismos |Zoonosis y Seguridad Alimentaria |Resitencia Antimicrobianos


Maitane Mugica (BSc in Biology, 2018) joined the Department of Animal Health in September 2020 with a fellowship funded by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment. She works in a research line aimed at preventing animal infections and promoting the rational use of antibiotics in livestock. She takes part in tasks related with epidemiological surveillance and characterization of resistant bacteria, through different activities: laboratory work (bacterial isolation and phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of resistance profiles), field work (visits to farms) and data analysis. Before joining NEIKER, she participated in projects related to marine microbiology and plant physiology.