The general aim of the project is to develop a protocol for producing a hybrid plant of Pinus elliotii X Pinus caribaea by somatic embryogenesis, to ensure genetic stability and allow the preservation of embryogenic tissue.

The idea is to contribute to developing methods that can be included within the programmes to genetically improve this species in the NEA region (Argentina). The species under study has a high adaptability to different environmental conditions, which makes it a species of great interest for forestation and reforestation in the future scenario of climate change.

The following specific objectives are proposed:

  1. To develop an embryogenesis system that ensures the success of the different stages of the process: initiation of the embryogenic tissue, proliferation of the embryogenic masses, execution of the somatic embryos, germination of the somatic embryos and acclimatisation and fattening of the somatic plant obtained.
  2. To address the study of methods for preserving embryogenic tissue generated by overcoming the health problems presented by current methods of embryo encapsulation, and the high economic cost associated with the cryopreservation of embryogenic material, aspects that hinder the feasibility of such systems in forest improvement programmes.

Carrying out this study will make it possible to carry on with the study of embryogenic processes in the genus Pinus. The analysis of factors that determine all stages of the process will be addressed, from the initiation of the crops to the subsequent germination, acclimatisation and fattening of the micro-plants. The effort will focus on the study of some mechanisms that lead to the success of the process, ensuring the broadening of the existing basic knowledge about this type of plant production system in pine species.